Letter from the Editor
Letter from the Editor It’s hard to know how to start a letter right now — nothing seems big or small enough. Our world has both drastically shrunk to our own homes and reached a new level of global connectivity. Anxiety and stress have spiked (and stayed there), but...
Cooking the Commonwealth
Cooking the Commonwealth What’s the most quintessential Pennsylvania food? If you answered soft pretzels, or scrapple, or cheese steak, you’re certainly not wrong. But Carrie Havranek, author of Tasting Pennsylvania, insists that there’s much more on the table across...
Nowruz 1399: The Ghosts of New Years Past and Future
When I proposed writing a piece on the Persian New Year, which coincides with the spring equinox and which we celebrate every year in homage to my husband’s Iranian ancestry, I was excited. We have been renovating our house — the work is still ongoing and many things...
Supporting Local Food While Social Distancing in Centre County
As the oft-quoted Mr. Rogers’ quote instructs, “Look for the helpers.” Local businesses and organizations are making sure our community doesn’t go hungry.

Updating the Apple Cart
In Adams County, the largest producer of apples in the Commonwealth and the fourth largest producer of apples in the country, growers are adapting to a changing industry while trying to find the next megahit fruit.

Hoppy Trails
New Trail Brewing Co. beers have garnered such a following that the Williamsport brewery has doubled production in less than a year.

New fundraiser brings table to the farm to help feed our community
The event was a fundraiser for the Community Cafe at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church and featured food by Chef Zach Lorber and his Culinary Arts students from the State College Area High School.

Culinary Arts students are using their hands-on learning to cater the Community Table event
These are high schoolers, not culinary school students, but the reality is that they’re learning something new every day in Chef Lorber’s Culinary Arts program at the State College Area High School.

Going for Golden
Three years ago, I was served one of the best farm-fresh meals of my life. Beet-cured salmon, summertime cassoulet, chicken under a brick, carrots cooked to perfection, a whole roasted suckling pig, apple cider doughnut bread pudding — the dishes on this menu were the...
Provisions Launch Party!
We celebrated the launch of Provisions’ print magazine with a big party at 3 Dots Downtown in State College, Pa.

Poured in PA
Join Provisions Magazine Wednesday, May 15 at Black Sun Studios for a screening of the film “Poured in PA,” a feature-length documentary about Pennsylvania’s beer industry.